Friday, March 20, 2015

Things to make you go hmmmmmmm

Quaker® Steel Cut Quick 3-Minute Oatmeal®   was provided by BzzAgent via  Quaker® Steel Cut Quick 3-Minute Oatmeal®  .  The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of  Quaker® Steel Cut Quick 3-Minute Oatmeal ® 

Running out of the door? Don't forget your meal and we have found the perfect treat that is filling, nutrious and won't break the bank! Quaker® Steel Cut Quick 3-Minute Oatmeal  (yes 3 minutes my friends!) is such an ingenious product. Who has time to soak steel cut oats overnight (not I say the busy bee) and this product came just in time. This winter has been a tough one and hand to sky this meal has saved me on those cold mornings when I was not in the mood to cook nor had the time to and these 3-minute treats hit the spot. To all those ladies and gents like me who lack the time but would like a solid meal these Quaker® Steel Cut Quick 3-Minute Oatmeal are it! So even if you're running out the door, you won't skip breakfast.



Quaker® Steel Cut Quick 3-Minute Oatmeal®   was provided by BzzAgent via  Quaker® Steel Cut Quick 3-Minute Oatmeal®  .  The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of  Quaker® Steel Cut Quick 3-Minute Oatmeal ® 

SqueeZ & Go!

GoGo squeeZ Fruit & VeggieZ pouches®   was provided by BzzAgent via  GoGo squeeZ®  .  The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of  GoGo squeeZ® 
Images | Getty Images 
 6 AM call times, working three jobs not to mention running two blogs, an eBay and amazon store to say I am stressed is an understatement. I hit a wall a few weeks ago, I felt weak and could not get out of bed - long story short I needed to take a break and start anew. By anew friends I took a hard look at my life and how I am living it more importantly how I was not living it. While financially I can not quit my jobs and luxuriate on a beach but I can take care of myself more and by that I have made it a point to carry healthy snacks with me. Not eating and properly nourishing myself has been a huge issue and I found the perfect solution. GoGo SqueeZ Fruit & VeggieZ pouches are nutritious, no mess, wallet friendly and keeps me on my toes when I am on the run and haven't taken a moment to eat a full meal. What's ingenious about these pouches which are designed for children is that it works well for adults too and t won't compromise your waistline which is important with bikini season soon approaching. 

GoGo squeeZ Fruit & VeggieZ pouches®   was provided by BzzAgent via  GoGo squeeZ®  .  The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of  GoGo squeeZ®